新山最亲民价格的 日式料理 就在 Wafu Kitchen!位于 Mount Austin的一家平价日式料理给喜欢吃日本餐的食客们带来许多方便,不仅食物好吃以外,价格还很公道! (Johor to Singapore)
在 Wafu Kitchen 日式料理 店内虽然没有很豪华的装潢,但是食物制作的方面他们绝不马虎,从运营到现在那么多年都一直不断提升和进步,一切只为了让每一位食客们可以带着开心舒适的心情享受日式料理。

在食物方面,Wafu Kitchen 做到了让食客们享用到100%不偷工减料的美味日式料理,还有一些经典的韩式料理在这里也能找到哦!
“一份套餐,一个价钱”,小编在这里介绍他们家的日式料理定食套餐,一份套餐里包含一份鸡或猪排、一个米饭、一碗味增汤、沙拉及水果,一份吃下去刚刚好,超级划算! (From JB to Singapore)
偷偷告诉你们,这里的食客每每吃了泡菜主食之后都会再加购,把新鲜的 Kimchi带回家哦!酸辣酸辣的味道超级开胃,而且你知道吃泡菜营养价值很高还能帮助食物的消化吸收吗?! 有没有那么够力,你试试就知道咯! (Transport to JB)

Wafu Kitchen 猪骨高汤日式料理:他们坚持每天耗时 10 小时大火熬煮的猪骨高汤,把猪骨和蔬菜的鲜甜完整榨取出来,每喝一口都能感受到其中的甘甜,让每一位顾客的味蕾都能记得这一碗汤底,这就是 “一碗入魂” 的拉面精神。
一家完美的日式料理餐厅,不仅要食物美味、环境舒适、亲切服务,最不能少的就是平易近人的价格啦。如果你还没享受过 Wafu Kitchen 这美味平价的日式料理,欢迎您光临试试! (JB2SG)

地址:18, Jln Austin Heights 3/2, Taman Mount Austin, 81100 Johor Bahru, Johor
电话:+607-352 2357
营业时间:星期一至星期天 11am – 10pm
How to go to Johor Bahru From Singapore?

Our main service is to provide the private taxi services for travelers who travelling between Singapore to JB (Johor Bahru) Malaysia. We are also accept the reservation from Johor to Singapore. We will make sure that you have a very comfortable and pleasant experience.
In addtion, there are many Johor Bahru Attractions in JB. Popular places of interests include Johor Bahru’s shopping district Jalan Wong Ah Fook consists of various legend cafes and culture street.
You can hire private taxi as your transport to jb because it is very convenient and comfortable. You might not familiar with the road and getting lost while travel. SG2JB provides transport to jb at affordable rate. We can pick you up from singapore to johor bahru without any hassle.
If you are looking for private taxi to jb or taxi to sg or transport to jb, don’t hesitate to contact us for your transportation from singapore to jb/singapore to johor/johor bahru to singapore.