在新山,要找到好吃的 麻辣火锅 并不多,这里为您介绍由炭马旗下团队打造的赤鬼麻辣火锅,坐落于新山 Twin Galaxy 公寓底层及MidValley Southkey商场里。餐厅装潢概念摩登高雅,上海滩风格设计加上青花瓷器摆设和彩色纸灯笼高挂点缀还有隔间装饰,营造出古典浪漫又宽尚舒适的环境。

在赤鬼里主打麻辣火锅汤底,爱吃麻辣火锅的朋友绝不能错过~ 这里的火锅都以传统煤炭方式取代电磁炉, 别有一番风味。 (Johor to Singapore)

所谓汤头就是火锅的精髓,在赤鬼麻辣火锅不管什么汤底都是厨师采用多种新鲜食材熬煮超过4小时而成的,所以滴滴精华的汤头都超浓郁,香气更加一级棒! (From JB to Singapore)

吃麻辣火锅最不能少的灵魂除了肉当然还有酱料咯,赤鬼麻辣火锅拥有超过40种DIY酱料让食客们能依据自己喜欢的味道去调制酱料来配着火锅一起吃。 (JB2SG)
想要吃火锅又懒得再家熬制汤底和准备食材吗?约上亲爱的家人朋友一起吃一顿最劲辣的麻辣火锅,想想都爽翻了!麻辣火锅控们赶紧开动咯! (Transport to JB)

地址: 01-03, 01-05, 01-06 Pangsapuri Dwi Galaksi, Jalan Dato Abdullah Tahir, 80300 Johor Bahru, Johor
电话:+607-382 1368
营业时间:星期一至星期天 12pm – 12am
How to go to Johor Bahru From Singapore?

Our main service is to provide the private taxi services for travelers who travelling between Singapore to JB (Johor Bahru) Malaysia. We are also accept the reservation from Johor to Singapore. We will make sure that you have a very comfortable and pleasant experience.
In addtion, there are many Johor Bahru Attractions in JB. Popular places of interests include Johor Bahru’s shopping district Jalan Wong Ah Fook consists of various legend cafes and culture street.
You can hire private taxi as your transport to jb because it is very convenient and comfortable. You might not familiar with the road and getting lost while travel. SG2JB provides transport to jb at affordable rate. We can pick you up from singapore to johor bahru without any hassle.
If you are looking for private taxi to jb or taxi to sg or transport to jb, don’t hesitate to contact us for your transportation from singapore to jb/singapore to johor/johor bahru to singapore.