平日卖力工作加上紧张的生活步伐,相信大家都会想为自己空出一个属于自己的时间,好好放松吧? 再加上疫情期间,不能出国的你们是否会想着该去哪里好呢?
懒得逛街,只想找一家舒适又宁静的Cafe坐下来慢慢品尝咖啡和吃一片蛋糕吧!这里为您介绍几家新加坡Cafe,食物好吃;超高颜值;超人气的网红咖啡厅! (Transport to JB)
- Ps Cafe
新加坡cafe之Ps于1999年开业,由新加坡服装店Projectshop所创立。这是一家高规格的西式咖啡厅同时也是在全岛拥有超过10间的新加坡cafe。Ps Cafe的每一家分店都有不同的装修风格,主要是提供现代流行的时尚设计,周到细致的内部装饰及葱郁的环境使这家本土的新加坡cafe成为国际认可的当地美食。
此外,Ps Cafe还被誉为“孙燕姿最喜爱”的咖啡厅!环境极富空间感,白天还有自然的阳光随落地玻璃射進室內,真写意啊!
地址:1110 ECP, Singapore 449880
电话:+65 6708 9288
营业时间:8am – 10pm (Singapore to Johor)

- Kumoya Cafe
地址:8 Jln Klapa, Singapore 199320
电话:+65 8204 5330
营业时间:12pm – 9.30pm (Monday Closed)
- A Juicery
A Juicery是一间以浓浓Ins风,粉色主题的新加坡cafe,为大众提供健康饮品。A Juicery主打现下热门的排毒果汁、蔬菜汁、坚果牛奶和各种低卡饮品以及几种卷饼类小吃。爱健康又爱打卡拍照的你们,话不多说,这家店还真是戳中了许多顾客的纯正少女心噢!
地址:21 Lor Telok, Singapore 049033
电话:+65 6533 1301

- Birds of Paradise Gelato Boutique
地址:63 E Coast Rd, #01-05, Singapore 428776 (Taxi to JB)
电话:+65 9678 6092
营业时间:12pm – 10pm (Monday Closed)
- Walking on Sunshine
以花园为主题的新加坡cafe,室内由绿植布置搭配古朴的木制家具,给人一种非常舒适的亲切感。Walking on Sunshine 结合了西式与韩式美食如意大利面、汉堡、披萨、蛋糕和奶酪拼盘等等,不管食物或饮料种类繁多供你选择。 而且!这新加坡cafe不止是单单咖啡厅而已,还提供美发、美甲和拍照服务哦!
地址:181 Orchard Rd, #03-07 Orchard Central, Singapore 238896
电话:+65 8877 8800
营业时间:11am – 10pm
How to go to Johor Bahru From Singapore?

Our main service is to provide the private taxi services for travelers who travelling between Singapore to JB (Johor Bahru) Malaysia. We are also accept the reservation from Johor to Singapore. We will make sure that you have a very comfortable and pleasant experience.
In addtion, there are many Johor Bahru Attractions in JB. Popular places of interests include Johor Bahru’s shopping district Jalan Wong Ah Fook consists of various legend cafes and culture street.
You can hire private taxi as your transport to jb because it is very convenient and comfortable. You might not familiar with the road and getting lost while travel. SG2JB provides transport to jb at affordable rate. We can pick you up from singapore to johor bahru without any hassle.
If you are looking for private taxi to jb or taxi to sg or transport to jb, don’t hesitate to contact us for your transportation from singapore to jb/singapore to johor/johor bahru to singapore.