Poh Kong

Poh Kong 被誉为马来西亚最大的珠宝首饰零售连锁店,提供各种黄金和宝石首饰,包括自有品牌。从精致的作品到简单的设计,从令人难以抗拒的收藏品,到各个年龄,品味和预算的令人眼花 custom 定制艺术品,从迪士尼等国际品牌到更多进口珠宝。
地址:LG-026, Lower Ground Floor, The Mall, Mid Valley Southkey, No.1, Persiaran Southkey 1, 80150 Johor Bahru, Johor
联络号码:07-336 1433
营业时间:10am – 10pm
SK 首饰

SK Jewellery 成立于2003年,其创立宗旨是相信所有现代女性都应能获得高品质珠宝首饰的美丽,奢华和魅力。 SK Jewellery 高度重视创新和卓越设计,因此迅速以其高品质和精美的钻石珠宝而闻名于世。 (From JB to Singapore)
地址:Lot G31, Jalan Indah 15/2, Taman Bukit Indah, 81200 Johor Bahru, Johor
联络号码:07-236 6933
营业时间:10am – 10pm

地址:Lot F47, Aeon Tebrau City Shopping Centre, 1, Jalan Desa Tebrau, Taman Desa Tebrau, 81100 Johor Bahru, Johor
联络号码:07-355 0671
营业时间:10am – 10pm (JB2SG)
Kedai Emas Ros Merah

地址:28-01, Jalan Ros Merah 3/2, Johor Jaya, 81100 Johor Bahru, Johor
联络号码:07-351 7224
营业时间:8.45am – 7pm
Kedai Emas Shin Yi 欣億金莊

地址:76, Jalan Dedap 4, Johor Jaya, 81100 Johor Bahru, Johor
联络号码:07-355 9955
Kedai Emas Heng Mei 恒美金莊

恒美金莊首饰的总部设在新山马赛 (Masai)。在这里,他们专注于提供各种珠宝首饰,例如金戒指,金链,项链,耳环等。他们热衷于提供一流品质和价格合理的精美珠宝首饰。恒美金莊每件产品均经过精心设计,旨在彻底改变客户对当代珠宝如何融合艺术与传统的看法。 (Transport to JB)
地址:PJ 25/26, Jalan Permas Utara, 81750 Masai, Johor
联络号码:016-362 6998
营业时间:10.30am – 8.30pm
Chiang Heng Jewellery

长庆黄金首饰店以最实惠的价格提供各种黄金,白金和玫瑰金钻石和宝石首饰。 它的珠宝收藏范围从精致的作品到简单的设计都经过精心制作,可满足您一生中每个重要的时刻。长庆公司还参加了国内外贸易展览会,以出口订单的形式取得了丰硕的成果。它们公司预计将从海外市场获得更高的收入。 (Johor to Singapore)
地址:67, Jalan Bestari 1/5, Taman Nusa Bestari, 81200 Johor Bahru, Johor
联络号码:07-512 1278
营业时间:10.30am – 8pm (星期日 10.30am – 7.30pm)
How to go to Johor Bahru From Singapore?

Our main service is to provide the private taxi services for travelers who travelling between Singapore to JB (Johor Bahru) Malaysia. We are also accept the reservation from Johor to Singapore. We will make sure that you have a very comfortable and pleasant experience.
In addtion, there are many Johor Bahru Attractions in JB. Popular places of interests include Johor Bahru’s shopping district Jalan Wong Ah Fook consists of various legend cafes and culture street.
You can hire private taxi as your transport to jb because it is very convenient and comfortable. You might not familiar with the road and getting lost while travel. SG2JB provides transport to jb at affordable rate. We can pick you up from singapore to johor bahru without any hassle.
If you are looking for private taxi to jb or taxi to sg or transport to jb, don’t hesitate to contact us for your transportation from singapore to jb/singapore to johor/johor bahru to singapore.